Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Teeth - Eyes - Fish

I had a root canal done on Tuesday and it went as well as it could. They didn’t give me a prescription for pain and just said to take Tylenol. It seem to work OK. I go back in a couple of weeks for the crown.

I also picked up my new glasses but there is a strange distortion. When I was driving home from the Dr office, I looked at the dash and steering wheel and it was slanted like a 3D picture. It’s hard to explain but the left side was sloping away. My left hand on the steering wheel appeared to look farther away than my right hand. I went back today and got my eyes rechecked.

For some reason my left eye has changed (again). This is the third attempt to get a good prescription reading. I will go back again next week to have it rechecked. If it is still the same then they will redo my prescription and replace the new lenses with new ones. What an ordeal.

The good thing about this week is fishing is GREAT! I caught a 2.5 pound Crappie a few days ago.

I took my neighbor (Joe) out fishing last evening. Couldn’t hook up with any Crappie but I did catch a few bass. This one weight 4-1/4 pounds and he hit a top-water lure. Kind of early for top-water action but I thought I would try it anyway and it paid off. I tried the 4-poles but LUCKILY didn’t catch anything so maybe Joe won’t realize that is my “Hot Spot”. LOL

Andrew, you better get up here soon while the fishing is good!


  1. nice fish Dad! That stinks about your glasses, hopefully they figure it out soon.

  2. Glad you are catching some fish!!! Hopefully your eye problem will get worked out and I am glad your root canal went okay too! I will talk to you soon! Have a good weekend!

  3. Yes..very nice fish!
    Have you done anymore fishing ?
    I hope your Tooth feels better.. I didnt know u had to have that done.. and I really hope by now they have the correct glasses for you.
    love Deb
