Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mini Blizzard in Guntersville, Alabama

Before I get into the snow story I thought I would show you a photo of Brynne and her 80 pound lap dog (Buddy) when she was here last.

On February 3rd the weather people called for a possibility of some light snow.  They really blew it as we had a mini Blizzard and it dumped 3 to 4 inches of snow in just a few hours.  Buddy and Max seemed to enjoy it.  Here is a photo:

They also had fun playing and here is a short video:

Dogs - Snow - Milk Container

It's all melted now.

Comments Welcome!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Storm

Sunday evening Alabama got hit with a major snow storm.  When I woke up Monday AM there was 6 inches on the ground and some places got as much as 12 inches.  The entire County shut down and all roads were closed.

The dogs actually seemed to enjoy the snow.

Here is a short video to watch.

By noon it was 32 degrees and the snow on the road was getting slushy but it would freeze tonight and then would be ice.  I needed to pick up some prescriptions so I headed out around 2 pm.  On the way the Durango did a 90 degree fishtail but due to my experience with driving up north, I easily made the appropriate correction and got her going straight again.  The only snow plow I saw on a major 4-lane highway was some guy in a farm tractor with a bucket on the front trying to clear the road.  These folks just aren't prepared for this kind of weather.

The drive-up window at the pharmacy was the only thing open in town, so I got my Meds and went back home.

I sure hope things are cleared up by Wednesday.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December is Here

It's hard to believe we are already in December.  I am really on top of it this year.  I have 95% of my Christmas shopping done already and many gifts are on the way to my family.

I was in Target yesterday (Saturday) and purchased gifts, animal treats, etc.  I checked out and went to the car.  As I was loading the car I noticed several items were in the cart under the child seat and they were not it bags.  I looked at my receipt and realized I must not have seen the items and did not put them on the counter and the check out girl did not notice them either.  Wow, I got about $20 worth of stuff free.  Whoopee!

I got in the car to leave and then I thought for a moment.  Along time ago I made a commitment to myself that I would try to be the best person I could be.  One of those commitments was to be truthful and honest.  I thought for another moment and decided to take the items back in the store and pay for them.  The check out girl was very surprised that I came back in to pay for them.  She said most people would not have done that and she was very happy that I did.  She said that it "made her day".  It made my day too and I felt very good about doing the right thing.  I'm not a perfect person but every little bit counts.

I went to a Coast Guard Christmas party Saturday evening and had a great time.  If anyone knows about the party from last year, I got stuck with a goofy nutcracker.  It has been going back and forth every year and I was able to get rid of it this year.  It was very funny how I disguised the box and everyone had a great laugh.

Today one of my Coast Guard friends called me and they woke up to their house on fire.  There was a fireplace chimney fire and major damage.  I went over to video tape it so he could have a record for the insurance company.  A lot of personal items such as photo albums, video tapes and family heirlooms were destroyed.  It was very sad.

Everyone enjoy the fun of shopping for and receiving gifts this Christmas.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Federal Government at Work!

I don't like to talk "Politics" but I need to voice my opinion.

I remember hearing many-many times about people who make less than $250K will not see any tax increases.  Well the first thing that happened in 2008 with the new Administratrion and Congress was a $1.00 tax added on each pack of cigarettes.  Hey, wait a minute, I don't earn over $250K!

I know; you say, well then just quit smoking.  I can't because I would feel guilty not wanting to help the "Children" as that is what this tax money supports, according to the Administration.

I always buy my cigarettes via the Internet from the Senca Indian Nation, therefore supporting the American Indians that were originally screwed by the US government. The cigarettes are sent to me via the US Postal Service.  Recently the Administration and Congress passed a bill to stop all cigarettes from being sent via the US postal service.  The reason again is to Save the Children.  That is to say, to prevent minors from buying cigarettes.  I guess they don't know how difficult it is to set up an account to buy cigarettes on line to prove your age.  It takes about 2-weeks for the process.

My research shows that cigarettes sent in the mail provides $30-$40 million dollars to the US Postal Service.  The Postal Service just reported last year they were in the hole by $8.5 billion dollars even after eliminating over 105,000 jobs.  Now I know $40 million is a drop in the bucket compared to 8.5 billion but does it make any sense to "bite the hand that is feeding you"??

This effectively is another new tax for me!

Even if I didn't smoke I am seeing hidden taxes popping up all of the time.  For example, after the massive health care bill passed, my heath insurance cost went up considerably and my co-pay doubled.  I also notice new taxes appearing on my utility and other bills.

The current Administration and Congress also want to end the Bush Tax reduction.  If they do that, our taxes will increase in January 2011.  Sounds like another tax increase to me and I still don't make over $250K!

Now if my salary was like the Speaker of the House (Approx. $224K) or Congress (Approx. $170K) plus a great health and retirement plan, then maybe I wouldn't be complaining so much.

I sure hope the new January 2011 Congress takes another word that I heard many times (CHANGE) and does something about this out of control Government!

Sunday, November 7, 2010