Saturday, August 29, 2009

End of August

It is hard to believe that August is over. I have been very busy with work and other activities. This weekend I washed the camper in preparation for my Florida visit over Labor Day week. That sure is a lot of vehicle to wash. going up and down a ladder really stressed my knees and the left one is hurting pretty bad. I also learned that I should wash it more than just once a year.

I have also been experimenting with "Green Screen" video production. You know, like the weather person on TV and movie special effects. I downloaded a free 30day demo Video Production software application from Sony. It is the same package that Les Strood uses, who is the creator of "Survivor Man" on TV.

It is a very technical application and the learning curve is long. The demo will expire tomorrow (Sunday) so I had to finish up my project today. Doing "Green Screen" is very difficult as the screen has to be perfect and the lighting more than perfect to prevent shadows and artifacts from showing up in the final rendering of the video.

I probably have over 40-hours in this 8-minute video and I'm still not happy with it. I did the "Gardener" scene with my web cam and I didn't notice it was out of focus, plus the audio was terrible. The rest was done with my cannon photo/video camera.

It is called "The TV Interview". It was all "adlib" except the TV interviewer did have a list of questions to ask.

At some points you will hear the "Producer" talking in the background. Even though the quality is low, it is kind of funny. Please leave your comments about the video on the Blog.

You can view it in a small window by selecting it in the Video Bar on the right or select it in the My Stories and Links Panel to see it directly from YouTube in a larger format.

The dogs are doing great. I caught Buddy sleeping on his back one day.

And Max has a new spot next to me when I watch TV. He has become very attached to me and is like my shadow.

That's all for now!


  1. Love The Interview !!!
    Elwood P. Suggins was especially good. Great hairdo on the Interview. It looks like a reverse mohawk.

  2. Dad,
    This was sooo funny. I watched it 4 times. 1st..the surfboard!! HA..(Call now to get a can of paint) lol... and the sharks won't bother you cuz its wood.!!
    My other favorite parts are the "guy" interviewing "you" ..It was so typical how "he" kept interupting you, and wasn't paying much attention. LOL at dingbat! And I noticed your hollar out "hi Mom" :) Loved the look on your face when your dog made a sound too. Loved the hairdo as well.
    The farmer was good too.( Nice glasses) and accent.. Over all.. this was very creative and funny. I think you should just go ahead and buy the software.. because I am sure you will have many many more ideas!
    Great job... make me laugh out loud!
    Love Debbie! I want to watch more!! Make some more !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. That was really funny and neat Dad! You really looked like you were at the beach and in the news studio. I liked the gardener when you said in a country accent "you just pick it and eat it". Your so creative! I can't wait to see you soon, I got a few days off when your hair too!

  4. This was sooo funny! I think you should buy the software too. I loved when you were interviewing yourself...Aislynn kepting asking why there were 2 Grandpas, ha ha. She was also curious about those glasses, lol.
