Tuesday, June 2, 2009

End of May

I'm behind on the blog again.

The most exciting thing that has happened is I have a new grandson. Pamella had her baby on May 28th at 6:15am. His name is Kieran Campbell Brown. He weighed 7# and 10 ounces. You can find out more about him on Pamella's blog.

Last week Max became very ill and stopped eating. I took him in to the vet and he had contracted Coccidiosis. This is an intestinal track infection caused by protozoal parasites. If not treated it can become fatal. He's on medication for 21 days and is feeling much better now and back to himself. I had Buddy tested too and he has a mild case so he is on meds as well.

I pulled the bass boat out on Saturday and spent most of the day cleaning it up as it has been a while since the last cleaning. This is in preparation of Andrew's visit from the 6th through the 12th. We will be fishing day and night for a week!

Last Friday my kitchen sink started leaking, the faucet was leaking and the sprayer didn't work for a long time. I decided to replace the whole works and got a much deeper sink (8.5 inches) and Delta high nozzle faucet. I like it very much. It is kind of weird that a 64 year old man can get excited about a SINK!!

Since my yard is so shaded I cannot grow grass so I usually keep it covered with leaves. But after a few rains the leaves decompose and things are quite mushy. The dogs are real pansies when it comes to walking on wet dirt and when they do their bathroom stuff, they don't walk out to the yard. They stop short and do it in the concrete. So I covered the area with pine-straw. They like that so no more problems with that.

Sunday I needed a break from the dogs and the world so I went fishing and caught 4 bass in about an hour. The biggest was 4 pounds.

That's it for now.


  1. Hi Dad! Nice fish! I'm so jealous that Andrew is coming up there, I just can't get the time off because I took an extra day off last week for the baby and an extra day off this week to move, but I know you guys will have a blast and now no one will have to pull my fish off the hook, ha! Sorry about the dogs, I hope they will recover fully & quick. Love ya!

  2. Sorry to hear about Max, but I am glad you found out what was wrong with him quickly! Nice sink too! Hope you and Andrew have a blast! We have had company this week a little, and for the weekend, but maybe Mondy we can do a web-chat so you can "meet" your new grandson?
