Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here!

Things are starting to be more Spring like; warmer temperatures, thunderstorms, flowers and birds. I finally finished my "Spring in Northeast Alabama" video. Check it out on the video sidebar.

While I was doing the video and now posting this Blog, I put some Yani music on in the living room and Buddy fell asleep in my recliner.

He is so nice when he is asleep.

Nothing much happened this weekend except I did have a second date with a lady from Huntsville. She is very nice and I will tell you more about her later.

Pretty soon I will also introduce you to Winston.

Every one have a good week and let me hear from you.


  1. Hi Dad! I hope your 2nd date went well. I look forward to hearing who in the world Winston is! Love ya and it was great seeing yuo last week, I miss you already!

  2. Those dogwood trees are so pretty!!! Can't wait to hear about your 2nd date and more about this lady:)

  3. There were lots of pretty photos in that video, and it looks like you have a few things growing in your backyard. Did you plant those pansies? I'm still laughing at that turtle picture. Poor guy. :)
