Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Long Lost Brothers

Well, at least one of you wondered who Winston is. However, Winston is out and Max is in.

I was looking for another dog to be a companion for Buddy. I kind of liked Pugs and I was thinking of getting one and naming him Winston (after Winston Churchill). But then I got an interesting email today.

It was from the Safe Haven animal shelter and they wanted to know if I would adopt Buddy's brother. I found out Buddy had a brother and a sister. Originally all three puppies were found in a Dumpster when they were 9-weeks old. How horrible. What kind of low life would do that?

Anyway they had adopted out the brother and sister a month before I adopted Buddy last May. The people who adopted Buddy's brother (Max) could not take care of him anymore mainly because they couldn't handle him. They were considering putting him down but they didn't want to do that.

So I adopted Max. Max has very little training and no social skills with other dogs. He immediately tried to attack Buddy. So I am keeping them apart until they get use to each other. Otherwise Max is a sweet dog and likes me very much.

Here is Max:

Note that Max has more white hair than Buddy but they both have the single black toe nail on each front foot.

Am I crazy or what. Most of you know how energetic Buddy is. Well multiply that by two. I really have my hands full now!!
I will put a slide show together later with pictures of Max from puppy stage to now.
I hope I get some sleep tonight.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here!

Things are starting to be more Spring like; warmer temperatures, thunderstorms, flowers and birds. I finally finished my "Spring in Northeast Alabama" video. Check it out on the video sidebar.

While I was doing the video and now posting this Blog, I put some Yani music on in the living room and Buddy fell asleep in my recliner.

He is so nice when he is asleep.

Nothing much happened this weekend except I did have a second date with a lady from Huntsville. She is very nice and I will tell you more about her later.

Pretty soon I will also introduce you to Winston.

Every one have a good week and let me hear from you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eye Surgery Part Two

My cataract surgery went well on Tuesday the 24th. It was different this time as I seemed to be awake during the surgery. I could see and I heard the surgeon's tools as he was "drilling" in my eye. I felt like saying "Am I supposed to be awake now?" but I didn't because I thought I might move my eye when I talked. However, I didn't feel anything, thankfully.

Brynne was here to help me and of course Buddy wouldn't leave her alone. So I had to cage Brynne in like I did with Phillip to keep the dog away.

After the surgery I found that my current glasses were now totally useless since both eyes have been corrected and the lens no longer corrected my vision/astigmatism. When I went back in today for a follow up visit the Doctor said this will be a tough time now because I will be in a "limbo mode".

Limbo mode? What the h... is that? He said it will be three to four weeks yet before he can make new glasses as it will take time for the eyes to totally heal. Nobody ever told me about "Limbo Mode"!!!

I told him I have to be able to work on the computer for my job. I can't wait 4-weeks to go back to work. He loaned me a pair of reading glasses and said "this should help". I asked "What about the TV, I can't even read the schedule". His response was to sit closer to the TV!

Then I asked why do I now have TRIPLE vision in my right eye which had been OK since the original surgery a month ago. He said it was and astigmatism issue and will go away once I get my final prescription glasses.

I go back in another week for a check up.

I got home and tried the reading glasses and found I had to be 4 inches away from the PC monitor to read it That's not going to work, especially for 4-weeks. I'll have an arched back by the time it's over.

So I experimented. This is what I ended up with (below).

Front View

Side View

I tried my old Super Magnifier fishing knot-tier goggles and they worked pretty good. Now I can be at least a foot away from the monitor. This is no joke. This is how I have to work on the computer! At least I'm not in an office with other people. They would all be laughing at me.

Here are a few shots of Brynne:

We were eating breakfast this morning and the camera was sitting on the table so I turned it on and snapped the picture before Brynne new what I was doing. She will be mad at me for putting this one on the Blog. Sorry Brynne. BTW, what is that in your mouth?

When she went to leave her car wouldn't start. We messed with it for a while and tried to figure out what to do next. We went in the house and then I came out to try to start it. It almost started and then I thought I flooded the engine. I left the key in the ignition and went back in the house for a while; came back out to try again and found the car doors locked. I didn't know the car had an automatic locking system. No spare key! Called a locksmith and he came out and got the car unlocked. Finally I got the car started and Brynne left for PCB.

I just got a call from her and she made it home safely and no more car problems.

It has been an exciting two days!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cars - Boats - Girls

I finally got around to washing my Darango this weekend. It has been a very long time. When it dries it water spots so I typically use my leaf blower to dry it (sort a like a blow dryer). I didn't feel like doing that so I found an old chamois that I use to use on the 2000 Plymouth Prowler I had. The last time I used the chamois was in November 2004. Wow, what a memory I have. Not really, I looked up when I sold it. :).

It made me think back to the Hot Rod/Cruising days and I kind of miss it.

That was one "Cool" car for cruising.

Next I changed the oil on three engines for Lights Out, the boat. 15-quarts of oil and three filters later I was done. I feel pretty lucky that I can still do this work at my age.

Here I am in the engine compartment. When I took the picture, I didn't realize the sun was washing out my face.

Finally, I have been trying to meet a female companion in my age group that I can share some of my boating and other adventures with. As some of you know, I have been on Match.com. I check out the ladies profiles to see about compatibility and of course the photos. We correspond through email for a while then talk on the phone and if there is an interest on both sides we set a date.

I had a date Saturday evening with someone I met on "match" and she even lived in Guntersville. According to her photo, she was gorgeous for being 55 years old. I met her at the "Boon-Docks" Sports Bar and Grill as it was on the water and a nice view of the lake.

When she came in I did not recognize her based on the photo she had in her profile. Here is the "match.com" photo.

Here is what she really looked like!!!

Ugggggggggg!!!!! Now I had to feed her. $50.00 later we departed and I said I would call her some time. I didn't tell her precisely what time but I think it will be 2054! She said she didn't have any "RECENT" photos to post in her profile.

This has happened to me several times. Why can't these ladies be honest? I'm no "Spring-Chicken" but at least I put a current photo of me in my profile. I'm pulling the plug on "Match.com". It just ain't-a-gona-work-for-me.

These are all the words I have to say for now...Goodbye!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7:00 PM

What were you doing at 7 PM Central Time on Wednsday evening? I was sitting in my bass boat at my favorite fishing spot known as the 4-Poles.
I made a cast with a 5-inch Tiki Dip-Stick Blue plastic worm.
I felt a tap and my line started moving. I set the hook and had a nice fight. When I brought the fish to the boat it was a nice 4-pound bass. I thanked it and put it back in the water.
My first 4-Pole bass for 2009.

I am very sad tonight. Alexis Grace was voted off American Idol tonight. She was my favorite!

I'm going to bed now. I hope I can fall asleep!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Destroyed in Seconds

I just added another video entitled "Destroyed in Seconds". It is about Buddy and some of the destruction he has done. go to the video side bar to watch it.

I had a little excitement in my life last Friday and I will talk about it in a future post!

Otherwise all is going well and I have my other eye (left) scheduled for cataract surgery on the 24th. Brynne is coming to help me with that one.

That's All Folks!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Crazy Weather

It is hard to believe that last Sunday (March 1st) it was snowing and cold. This was Buddy's first experience with snow and he wasn't quite sure what it was and how strange it felt on his feet.

When I put some snow on his tongue he tasted it and he liked it. It was good snowball snow so I would throw some at him and he would catch and eat them.

This Saturday (March 7th) the temperature got up to 77 degrees with a nice Southerly breeze. I washed "Lights Out" and took her for a run on the river. The sailors were out in numbers and taking advantage of the nice breeze. Here are a few pictures I took.