As you know I took the camper into the shop last week to get the AC fixed. Well of course it worked fine and they could not find anything wrong!! Since there was no warranty work they charged me $40 to check it out. However, they did add a recall fix to the refrigerator which could have caused a fire. So at least that was fixed.
I've been keeping busy with work and right now I have been pulled off my software development to provide interference analysis for public safety frequencies for the new World Trade Center (if it ever gets built) as well as in various underground tunnels. It is pretty interesting work.
I have started to watch "The Office" reruns and found them to be funny. However, the reruns are not in date order and kind of confusing at times. So I decided to go back to the beginning and I got Season 1 through 5 on DVD. There are 18 DVDs for a total of 34 hours of viewing (100 episodes). That should keep my couch potato mode going for a while!

I don't want to sound like some kind of fanatic but I have been reviewing my "Home Defense" strategy and I felt like there were some weaknesses. Currently I have my Grandpa's old single-shot 12 gauge shotgun and my handgun. This would normally be OK against a single intruder but if there was more than one, I may be in trouble. So I decided to get a "Just In Case" (JIC) shotgun that is designed for Home Defense and personal protection. Here is a picture of it with accessories.

The manufacture is Mossberg and they state:
Whether it’s survival in the back country or hurricane season on the coast, one can never be too prepared for the unexpected. The heart of the JIC™ package is the venerable 12 gauge Mossberg® 500® Pump-Action. Fitted with a compact 18-1/2” barrel and rugged synthetic pistol grip and forearm. It even includes a Survival Kit in a can.
I hope I never have to use it but anyone who comes into my house without an invite is in serious trouble.
What is your Home Defense Plan? You need to think about it.