On February 24th I had my cataract surgery on my right eye. I concealed a mini-cam in my shirt and it linked to Phillip's laptop while he waited in the waiting room. As I woke up from the surgery I could hear the surgery staff whispering and laughing. I wasn't sure what was going on but I took a picture with the mini-cam of then looking at me which is shown below.

After recovery Phillip came in and took a picture of the surgeon who looked a little perplexed as shown below.

When we got home I went into the bathroom to look at my eye and I almost passed out from what I saw. I called the surgery center immediately and they told me there was a mistake in the surgery order. Someone had made a typo in the order and the doctor interpreted it as a right eye relocation. Be prepared to see my face below:
Please don't laugh. This is an awful situation. The doctor said they can build some custom glasses that will adjust for the extreme astigmatism and I should be able to see OK. Another option is to relocate the left eye above the brow so there is a more symmetrical look to my face. I'm not sure yet how to proceed.